Maths 12 Science CBSE Three Dimensional Geometry Answers for MCQ in English

Maths 12 Science CBSE Three Dimensional Geometry Answers for MCQ in English to enable students to get Answers in a narrative video format for the specific question.

Expert Teacher provides Maths 12 Science CBSE Three Dimensional Geometry Answers for MCQ through Video Answers in English language. This video solution will be useful for students to understand how to write an answer in exam in order to score more marks. This teacher uses a narrative style for a question from Three Dimensional Geometry not only to explain the proper method of answering question, but deriving right answer too.

Please find the question below and view the Answer in a narrative video format.


Find the equation of the plane that contains the point (1, -1, 2) and is perpendicular to both the planes 2x + 3y - 2z = 5 and x + 2y - 3z = 8. Hence find the distance of point P(-2, 5, 5) from the plane obtained above.

Answer Video in English:

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